[This reflection was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 28/Feb/2021]
In our church Priscilla and I are just two of approximately four million people in this country who have been waiting a long time for routine surgery, such as a hip or knee replacement. While we are waiting it is important to carry on with the physiotherapy exercises to strengthen the joints and ease the pain.
About 18 months ago I regularly attended a NHS pain workshop and, in addition to the physical exercises, we were taught to do relaxation and breathing exercises to calm the tension. I used to find the breathing ones rather tedious just counting all the time while filling and emptying my lungs. So I decided to recall Bible verses in my mind, reciting one line breathing in, and the next line breathing out and so on.
For example:-
(In)“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, … (Out)who was, and is, and is to come.”
“The sovereign Lord is my strength. … By his wounds I am healed.”
“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. … His faithful love endures forever.”
I find this much more helpful, and you might like to try it with your favourite verses when you feel stressed during lockdown.
The reason I thought about sharing this is that we finally received our Christmas presents from a number of family members at the end of January. One present was a print of a painting of nine flying geese symbolising the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit in our lives (Galatians 5 v22-23). It was painted by Chris Duffett, a Baptist minister and artist. I was surprised when I turned it over and saw in big letters “And Breathe”. The artist described how the painting is an invitation to breathe in the fruit of the Spirit and breathe out the opposite of them. He had been inspired by the breath prayer of Sheridan Voysey as follows:-
You can pray the words in bold breathing in and the other words slowly breathing out:
Lord God, fill me with your Holy Spirit.
I receive your love, … and release my insecurity
I receive your joy, … and release my unhappiness
I receive your peace, … and release my anxiety
I receive your patience, … and release my impulsiveness
I receive your kindness, … and release my indifference
I receive your goodness, … and release my ungodliness
I receive your faithfulness, … and release my disloyalty
I receive your gentleness, … and release my severity
I receive your self-control, … and release my self-indulgence
Wouldn’t it be great if the NHS taught this prayer as a breathing exercise in their pain workshops?
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