[This reflection was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 01/August/2021]
On our walks around Horley together Sue G and I have developed the habit of shouting “echo” out loud whenever we pass under any bridges. There is one particular rail bridge in Horley that is guaranteed to give a fabulous echo and we never fail to shout “echo” & laugh about it together even if other people are within hearing distance.
The other day I was walking home from work and was due to pass under the now familiar bridge. I was aware of a dog walker behind me and I realised he’d be walking under the bridge at the same time as me. I so wanted to shout “echo” in keeping with my usual boldness when with Sue, but I couldn’t bring myself to do so. It was no big deal really but I felt cowardly once I’d walked through quietly, as I realised my reticence was totally due to feeling embarrassed & silly. My courage failed me. I told Sue who chastised me and asked what was the worst that could have happened if I’d shouted “echo” when someone was listening.
It struck me that I can sometimes be like that when talking about my faith. I find it difficult to tell others about Jesus and can lose my boldness when I’m not with other Christians. This is especially true with friends and family who do not believe in Him. I am concerned I won’t represent Him well enough and will make a mess of explaining my love for and faith in Him. However the Bible gives direction for pilgrims like me who are hesitant & sometimes lack confidence.
In Luke’s gospel we are challenged to fear God above all, but also reassured of the help of the Holy Spirit (12:12). Elsewhere Peter (1 Peter 3:15) talks about speaking the gospel with ‘gentleness and respect’ so I needn’t be concerned that it’s about winning an argument. And the apostle Paul calls for conversations ‘full of grace’ (Colossians 4:6). We need to not only speak about our faith but to act it out daily with love and compassion. Our actions will say as much, if not more than our words, perhaps particularly when we’re around those who know us really well but who don’t yet know Jesus or want to know Him. He just wants us to love them and keep on loving them like He does, even when they still seem indifferent to Him.
I want to be brave and I am prepared to be vulnerable for Christ if that is what’s required. What about you? I am reminded that we cannot do anything in our own strength but we can totally trust in Jesus and will find courage in the power & counsel of the Holy Spirit. God also blesses us with fellow pilgrims to support and encourage us on our journey. We won’t always get things right and we may even mess it up. But He is pleased that we desire to please Him. He calls us to try and He will always love us.
And yes, we might sometimes feel scared or silly but what’s the worse that can happen?
‘May His presence go before you
And behind you and beside you
All around you. He is with you
In the morning, in the evening
In your coming, and your going
In your weeping and rejoicing
He is for you’
From ‘The Blessing’ by Cody Carnes & Kari Jobe
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Contributed by Sarah Bell; © Sarah Bell