Save the Planet!

[This is one in a series of devotional reflections prepared for Horley Baptist Church during November 2022]

Long ago, before time began, a new planet was created and, because astronomers like to give names to celestial discoveries, we’ll call this one Job after the famous Biblical figure from ancient times. When it was born the planet Job was very good, sustaining life and beautiful to look at. It had all the prospects for a bright future.

But planet Job got dirty, ugly sores starting appearing and God decided that Job needed a clean-up. For 40 days the rain showered down on Job until it was bright and clean again. Now with a human population of just 8 people it looked as though that promising future could finally be achieved.

One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them. The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan replied “from cruising the universe, going where no one has gone before”. Then God said “Did you see my new planet Job? How pristine and well ordered it looked.” Satan said “That’s only because you give it special protection – if you left it alone it would soon get dirty again.”

So that’s how the experiment began. Before long, Job started playing in the dirt once more. The human population increased rapidly; one of their leaders had 70 sons[1] – maybe he considered God’s instruction to “… fill the earth” as a personal challenge.

Job had three friends, actually they were three cops; Cop 25 was Spanish, Cop26 was Scottish and Cop27 was Egyptian. When these three friends saw the state of Job they could think of nothing helpful to say. They just mumbled to each other for several days, all the while consuming more of Job’s dwindling resources. Eventually one spoke up: “Job has a fever, we need to keep him cool.” Another one said “Someone who is richer than us should pay for some treatment” and the third one said “Let’s leave him alone and maybe he’ll get better”.

Then Saint Greta of Utopia piped up “Vanity, vanity,” she cried, “All is greenwash”. So they all flew off to Bali where they continued to mumble amongst themselves and consume even more resources.

How often do we feel like pawns in a high-stakes game being played by the likes of Job’s friends? Are we just minor pieces who are required to make up the numbers and pay the taxes? Is God sitting on the sidelines, watching from a distance?

God decided that planet Job was worth a visit from his son; he would be able to cure Job’s problems. It was a treatment that involved blood, sweat and a sponge filled with vinegar. But would the patient accept the treatment?

In the Biblical account of Job’s experience God had some stern words for those friends who had nothing useful to contribute. They had jumped to conclusions about what caused Job’s problems without any reference to the spiritual context. Similarly, restoring the planet has a spiritual dimension that is largely ignored by those fighting for its survival. Do those of us who recognise the spiritual dimension have nothing to say?

But if the watchman sees war coming and doesn’t blow the trumpet, warning the people, and war comes and takes anyone off, I’ll hold the watchman responsible for the bloodshed of any unwarned sinner. Ezekiel 33 v6 [MSG]

[1] Judges 8 v30

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Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys
Published, 21/Nov/2022: Page updated, 21/Nov/2022

2 Responses to 'Save the Planet!'

  1. Sometimes, I wonder how much danger we are really in because of global warning. Surely if heads of states around the world really thought we were on the verge of total destruction more action would be taken. When we were so much younger than today, there was a theory that we were about to experience an ice age by 2014!! Clearly the scientists do not always get it right!

    Your reflections are thought provoking and interesting . Have you thought of trying to publish some of them?

  2. As the previous commentator said, very thought provoking Steve.

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