In the process of preparing the weekly reflections I have come across particular quotes from sermons or from other sources, or simply thoughts which have been triggered by passages of Scripture. These snippets are not sufficient for articles in their own right; nevertheless they are worth sharing, perhaps as discussion starters or for personal motivation.
Inclusion in this collection does not imply a full endorsement of the speaker or the source. We are likely to learn more from those with whom we disagree rather than from those who reinforce our own opinions. Even if we are not persuaded by their arguments, even if we think that there is no possibility of them being right, we would gain from examining why this is so. What brought them to their conclusion; what brought us to ours?
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“The possessions that we have can cause other people to worry.”
Provost Sammy Wainaina, Nairobi Cathedral, 06/Nov/2022
“Sometimes we withhold so much that there is no room for us to receive more blessings.”
Rev. Jandson Njoroge, All Saints’ Cathedral, Nairobi; 01/Feb/2023
“God’s grace is not an excuse for sin but a motivation for repentance.”
Provost Evans Omollo, All Saints’ Cathedral Nairobi, 28/Jan/2024
“God has great plans for your past.”
Pastor Shane Anderson, Pioneer Memorial Church, Michigan, 10/Feb/2024
When we pray for healing are we praying contrary to the will of Jesus?
“Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am.” John 17 v24
“Morning and Evening”, Charles Spurgeon, Reading for 22nd March.
“If the devil reminds you about your past remind, him about his future.”
Rev James Kanyi, Nairobi Cathedral, 03/Apr/2024
“God’s blessing creates problems”
Pastor Wyn Hughes, Heath Evangelical Church, Cardiff, 14/Apr/2024.
“The best of men are men at best”
Quoted by Rev Jonathan Wilson, Heath Evangelical Church, Cardiff, 11/Aug/2024.
“Where is the Lamb”
Quoted by Rev Steve Dyer, Heath Evangelical Church, Cardiff, 25/Aug/2024.
“God is not as interested as you think with what you are doing, he’s much more interested in why you are doing it.”
Dazz Jones, Horley Baptist Church, 12/Jan/2025
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The king asked, “What do you want?” Nehemiah prayed before answering.
Nehemiah ch 2
A chosen few fought the battle on behalf of the majority who provided supplies and joined in the rewards.
Judges ch 7
Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time.
Isaiah 57 v1 [NLT]
Job asked his friends “Who is the Almighty, that we should serve him? What would we gain by praying to him?”
Job 21 v15 [NIVUK]
Moses said to Pharaoh, “I leave to you the honour of setting the time for me to pray for you.”
Exodus 8 v9 [NIVUK]
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The trouble with studying history is that there is more of it each year; as the years roll round the number of significant events on each calendar date increases.
Which came first – the chicken or the egg? The answer to that is simple; it depends upon who is writing the menu.