Each Sunday, at the end of the sermon, the congregation is presented with a number of questions related to the content of the sermon. The questions are intended to encourage further thought about what has been said. This page serves as a reminder of those questions, together with a link back to the corresponding YouTube video.
Sunday, 23rd February 2025
Series: | The Truth about Heaven and Eternal Life and how it can transform your life today |
Title: | #4 What Will Heaven Be Like? |
Preacher: | Martin Shorey |
Text: | The New Heaven and the New Earth, Revelation 21:1-3 |
Link: | Watch this sermon |
- What are you looking forward to most about Heaven?
- Has anything in this series surprised you or challenged your assumptions about Heaven?
- Are you experiencing union with God now? Do you want to?
Sunday, 16th February 2025
Series: | The Truth about Heaven and Eternal Life and how it can transform your life today |
Title: | #3 Your Choices Echo in Eternity |
Preacher: | Helen Sweet |
Text: | The Parable of the Talents, Matthew 25:14-30 |
Link: | Watch this sermon |
- What has God entrusted to you that you can use more faithfully for his glory?
- What small, everyday act of faithfulness can you commit to this week that will have an eternal impact?
- How can you align your daily choices with God’s eternal purposes?
Sunday, 09th February 2025
Series: | The Truth about Heaven and Eternal Life and how it can transform your life today |
Title: | #2 Heaven – How do I get in? |
Preacher: | Martin Shorey |
Text: | What must I do …?, Luke 18:18 |
Link: | Watch this sermon |
- What does it mean to follow Jesus? Is it more than believing and behaving?
- Are yo sometimes guilty of judging a ‘book by its cover’?
- Is God bringing transformation in your heart? Do you trust God with your ehart?
Sunday, 02nd February 2025
Series: | The Truth about Heaven and Eternal Life and how it can transform your life today |
Title: | #1 What if Heaven Starts Today? |
Preacher: | Neil Robinson |
Text: | Follow Me, Mark 8:34 |
Link: | Watch this sermon |
- What is your understanding of Eternal Life?
- How does the fact that Eternal Life starts when you become a Jesus follower affect your actions?
- How can you bring a bit of Heaven down to earth?
Sunday, 26th January 2025
Series: | Was That It? When Expectations and Reality Don’t Match |
Title: | #4 When Relationships Breakdown |
Preacher: | Martin Shorey |
Text: | Paul and Barnabas Separate, Acts 15:36-41 |
Link: | Watch this sermon |
- Where have you experienced a breakdown in a relationship? What effect did it have on you?
- Do you trust that God can bring about a good result from a bad situation?
- Is there a scenario where you need to reach out a hand of peace?
Published, 21/Jan/2025: Page updated, 23/Feb/2025
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