Category: ‘Five Minutes’

Fasting In Spiritual Warfare

[Transcript of “A 5 minute cuppa” published by Horley Baptist Church on YouTube[1], June 2021]


Hi everyone, welcome to ‘a five minute cuppa’. This is the place that you can come any time of day, just for five minutes, to relax, put your feet up, have a cuppa and listen to a few words to help you grow in your relationship with God.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that when we get together with friends we often eat together and this seems to build us up, not just physically but emotionally as our friendships deepen and develop. Personally I am amazed at all the different flavours, colours and textures God has provided for us, and I still get excited on the occasions when I arrive home from work and I can smell something delicious cooking in the kitchen made by my talented husband as I make my way to the house.

If food and eating together is enjoyable and important, what part should refraining from food for periods of time or fasting play in our lives? I must admit that for many years I ignored this discipline finding even the thought of it a little disconcerting. However, recently I’ve discovered that fasting adds a dimension to my spiritual life that draws me to see more clearly into the spiritual realms and causes significant breakthroughs in situations I had previously thought immovable.

In the Bible people like David fasted as a way of getting his spirit right before God. Some people fasted because they felt powerless and didn’t know what to do. The early church fasted when they needed to hear God’s voice. Even Jesus fasted and the result of this was victory over the enemy and an ability to walk in supernatural power in his ministry.

We have all recently had a time of pausing in our life as we have been forced to stop doing and living our lives in previous patterns because of the covid pandemic. Now we are preparing to return to physical face-to-face church. What an exciting time to be asking God about how he wants to reset our lives personally and together.

If you are used to fasting then please join us as we fast together. If you’ve never fasted before then why not give it a go? Look at what happened when people fasted in Bible times and talk to people about their experiences of fasting today. Through prayer and fasting we are more likely to see God come in power and fullness as he shows us his next steps.

A few practicalities are always useful if you are trying something new.

  • Decide what you will fast from; it could be particular activities rather than just food. Perhaps if you haven’t done it before start with a partial fast for a period of time in a day rather than a full day or a few days.
  • Plan your diary intentionally so you choose an appropriate time that won’t upset plans with family and friends.
  • Keep going through the hunger pangs and keep worshipping inwardly whatever you are doing.
  • Be wise; don’t do anything too strenuous when fasting and make sure you break fast with a light meal rather than overeating. Monitor what God says to you and write it down to reflect on with him or others.

Fasting is significant in spiritual warfare and corporate fasting effective at a critical time or life juncture. It is a key to releasing God’s power in our lives. As we prepare to come back to physical church and seek God’s heart this time, let’s pray and fast together, reading the scriptures and thoughts that have been prepared for us, answering the questions designed to help us reflect, and make notes on anything that we hear.

Let’s see how God builds our faith and make it our intention to partner with the Holy Spirit as he works out the Father’s plans for us personally and as a group of people that have promised to follow him with their all,

[1] YouTube link: Fasting In Spiritual Warfare
Bible references: ~


Bible quotations: Unless otherwise specified, quotations are taken from the resources of Bible Gateway or Bible Hub, in accordance with the licencing conditions outlined on our Site Policies page.

Bible dates: Where appropriate, the dates given for Biblical events are based on the Bible Timeline resource
and are subject to the constraints defined on the corresponding webpage.

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Have another cuppa

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Contributor: Sandy Turner

Nothing Too Big!

[Transcript of “A 5 minute cuppa” published by Horley Baptist Church on YouTube[1], May 2021]

Hi everyone, welcome to ‘a five minute cuppa’. This is the place that you can come any time of day, just for five minutes, to relax, put your feet up, have a cuppa and listen to a few words to help you grow in your relationship with God.

Today we’re going to think about those situations in our lives that are difficult, those things that feel really big, that have been going on for a long time without any obvious change. This could be anything from a destructive habit to an important but poor relationship, to a physical or emotional long-term illness, to a negative work or family situation that seems to go round and round in cycles.

You may have prayed about these situations in the past without seeing a measurable difference. If you think honestly about how you feel now you might say you have lost faith for a different outcome. You may have accepted the status quo and given up praying or believing for change. The trouble with finding ourselves in this situation is that this can subtly get into our thinking in all areas of our life so that we become stunted, either not bringing difficult issues to God or praying for situations but not really believing he will act.

This may sound like a strong word to you, perhaps even offensive. It certainly hit me like a ton of bricks when I first came across it, but we become practical atheists. We say we believe in the power of God, but in practice our lives don’t reflect this at all so that we live our lives in a similar way to our friends and neighbours who profess no faith at all.

So how do we increase our faith so that we are able to bring God into the most challenging areas of our life and keep him there, constantly inviting him to be part of every aspect? These are some of the things that have really helped me in this area and I hope that something will resonate with you and be useful in your situation.

A first good step is to recognize the place you find yourself in and to be courageously honest. Planning time to speak to a trusted friend or small group of friends that will walk with you and pray with and for you is so important. We know Jesus says that our battles are not against flesh and blood but with those that influence in the spiritual realms so if you’ve been praying without thinking about this it’s probably time to look into the spiritual realms and ask what’s really going on in this situation.

What is lying behind the attitudes and actions of the people involved? Once you can see this more clearly then you can start to speak against and cut off the negative influences that have led to the situation you find yourself in. You can ask the Holy Spirit to bring the opposite positive influences into play. Then just wait and see what happens. Keep your spiritual ears and eyes open so that if the Holy Spirit prompts, you can play your part. Look out for small changes and the wisdom to know how to react to these.

Keep the process going. Walk and talk with a friend, ask the Holy Spirit to show you what’s going on now, pray against negative influences for the opposite to come in. Wait and respond with wisdom. You may need a lot of patience. It often takes a long time to get into a deep hole and the small positive steps that build bit by bit can take a long time too, to get out of it.

I have found that when I use this process, rather than losing faith, I begin to see God very much working in these situations again. I find too, that part of the journey is God showing me the attitudes and actions I have taken that have contributed to the situation and many of the small steps that are needed are mine to own and rectify. Far from these weighing me down though, I feel grateful that God would highlight them to me. I know he does this because he cares about me and so much wants me to be part of the change he is instigating. It still might not be easy but when the Holy Spirit is always invited on the journey, faith and hope increase and change becomes a real possibility.

[1] YouTube link: Nothing Too Big!
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Bible quotations: Unless otherwise specified, quotations are taken from the resources of Bible Gateway or Bible Hub, in accordance with the licencing conditions outlined on our Site Policies page.

Bible dates: Where appropriate, the dates given for Biblical events are based on the Bible Timeline resource
and are subject to the constraints defined on the corresponding webpage.

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Have another cuppa

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Contributor: Sandy Turner

The Light Burden

[Transcript of “A 5 minute cuppa” published by Horley Baptist Church on YouTube[1], May 2021]

Hi everyone, welcome to ‘a five minute cuppa’. This is the place that you can come any time of day, just for five minutes, to relax, put your feet up, have a cuppa and listen to a few words to help you grow in your relationship with God.

I wonder what kind of worrier you are. Do you have anxieties about all kinds of little things or are you the kind of person that saves your worries for real calamities? You might even be the kind of person that has to think about a worst possible scenario every day in case it happens, just to make sure you’re ready for it.

Worrying seems to be part of the human condition, we all do it. The habit of worrying can take over our thought patterns, sap us of energy and stop us enjoying our life. We all know worrying isn’t good for our mental or physical health so how can our God relationship help us to live closer to the way our father originally planned?

You’re probably all familiar with these words of Jesus from Matthew’s gospel: “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden light.

My favourite account of these words comes from the Message version of the Bible and they bring home to me even more God’s desire for us to live free from our own deep concerns and worries. “Are you tired, worn out? Come to me, get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me, watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you, keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

What truly amazing words! That whatever paws at us and perturbs us in our day, whoever needs our attention, whatever difficult decisions we need to understand or make, whatever questions we cannot answer, these things can weigh lightly on us in a way that keeps our spirit settled and secure, and with the confidence that comes from knowing that God has everything in hand.

In recent years as I have taken on great responsibility for the lives and well-being of others. In my work life and home life I’ve needed to learn how to give up the things that so easily weigh me down and take up that light burden instead. I’ve found that the key to doing something differently is to always transform or change the way that I think first. Simply put, just get those words into my mind so that they are just as prominent as the way I breathe. Thank you, God, that I can come to you when I’m worn out, I can walk with you and you’ll show me the way to do it. You won’t lay anything ill-fitting on me, you will help me to live freely and lightly.

Once the words are in my mind, I ask for them to move to my heart so that I have a full understanding of what they mean so I can really live them out. I remember vividly God reminding me that he never slumbers or sleeps but he is always able to work on the things that are concerning me when I’m tired or unwell or asleep, and the outcome doesn’t depend solely on my efforts. God invites me to be a co-worker in what he’s doing and I can definitely play a part but he is the centre point, the kingpin, not me.

Once this head realization moved to my inner being I found I was able to still care deeply about situations and people but in a way that didn’t become heavy and burdensome. The habit of worrying was displaced by the habit of giving up the burdens to God and trusting him to keep working on them even when I no longer could.

Do you need to discover how to walk with a light burden? It’s absolutely for us all; just ask if you can keep him company. He’ll never say no to that.

[1] YouTube link: The Light Burden
Bible references: Matthew 11 v28-30

Bible quotations: Unless otherwise specified, quotations are taken from the resources of Bible Gateway or Bible Hub, in accordance with the licencing conditions outlined on our Site Policies page.

Bible dates: Where appropriate, the dates given for Biblical events are based on the Bible Timeline resource
and are subject to the constraints defined on the corresponding webpage.

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Have another cuppa

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Contributor: Sandy Turner

Surprising Relationships

[Transcript of “A 5 minute cuppa” published by Horley Baptist Church on YouTube[1], May 2021]

Hi everyone, welcome to ‘a five minute cuppa’. This is the place that you can come any time of day, just for five minutes, to relax, put your feet up, have a cuppa and listen to a few words to help you grow in your relationship with God.

Over the last couple of weeks we have been thinking about how God prompts us to pray for people that are on his heart and we have been practising blessing others and doing them good by speaking through the acronym ‘b l e s s‘ bless – asking for God to do people good in their body, in their labour, their emotions, their social and spiritual relationships.

Today we’re going to think about how we can pray for people and have a good attitude towards them if for some reason we don’t naturally get along or if the relationship isn’t at all easy. It could be a work colleague, a family member, a political figure or well-known personality. It might even be someone that we once got on with well but the relationship or friendship has broken down or failed. I’m sure we can all think of people that we struggle with. Is it possible to pray for these people in the way we do for those that are naturally on our hearts?

I suppose we could just ignore these people in situations – at least we’re not purposefully hurting them. It seems to me though that this isn’t an option for a follower of Jesus. Those famous words of Jesus ring in my ears: “Love your enemies and pray for those that do you harm”.

Is that even possible, humanly speaking? When we look at the world around us both near and far it doesn’t look at all possible. But I believe that when we choose to ask God to come in and help rather than taking the easier option of ignoring or giving into bad thoughts, he does come alongside and show us surprising possibilities that were not at all on our radar. When I am in this situation struggling with the relationship there are two questions I dare to ask God that he always seems to answer.

First, I ask him to show me how he sees the person, not in their failed state but how God created their inner person before life did harm to them. In other words, I’m asking God “Why do you like this person, what is so amazing about them?

Then I ask him to show me what has happened to them to make them the way they are, the things that have formed the negative characteristics that may cause problems both for the person and for those around them.

The result of this is always the same: God softens my heart towards them. I often find I can be with them happily or I can be in the same place and not be affected by the feelings associated with that person previously. Over time I find that rather than choosing to ignore the difficulties I can acknowledge them and pray and bless the person, honestly wanting the best for them. God is full of surprises; he can and does make important relationships happen when we least expect it. He can even rebuild relationships that we think are irretrievably broken.

God is all about making damaged relationships whole. After all, that is the main message of the cross on which our faith firmly stands.

[1] YouTube link: Surprising Relationships
Bible references: Matthew 5 v44

Bible quotations: Unless otherwise specified, quotations are taken from the resources of Bible Gateway or Bible Hub, in accordance with the licencing conditions outlined on our Site Policies page.

Bible dates: Where appropriate, the dates given for Biblical events are based on the Bible Timeline resource
and are subject to the constraints defined on the corresponding webpage.

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Contributor: Sandy Turner

Sharing God’s Heart

[Transcript of “A 5 minute cuppa” published by Horley Baptist Church on YouTube[1], May 2021]

Hi everyone, welcome to ‘a five minute cuppa’. This is the place that you can come any time of day, just for five minutes, to relax, put your feet up, have a cuppa and listen to a few words to help you grow in your relationship with God.

Recently we have been thinking about how to feel comfortable and enjoy praying with others as a way of growing our relationship with our heavenly Father. Today I thought it would be good to share a few thoughts about how to pray for others in our own one-on-one times with God.

Have you ever wondered why particular people or situations stay on your mind and affect your thoughts and emotions? I think it’s God’s way of asking us to bring the person before him and to ask for his influence to grow in their lives. The first step in sharing in God’s heart for people is to recognize when he’s speaking to you about them, then just start bringing them before the Father. Perhaps write your thoughts down using something like a prayer mind map that I talked about in an earlier session of ‘five minute cuppa’.

I’ve found that once I start to intentionally bring someone to the Father then he brings them to my mind often as he wants me to think about or pray for them. This might be in my regular time with Jesus when I’m asking the question “What are you doing today, Lord?” or it might be that I suddenly remember that person in the middle of doing something totally unrelated, as I’m going about my everyday life activities. Sometimes I even wake up in the morning with that person on my mind. When that happens I try to remember the principle of two-way communication. I ask God “What’s going on?” and listen to what he says. I may get a strong feeling or a scripture that gives me knowledge or wisdom for the person’s situation.

I would encourage you to listen out for the way God speaks with you as I suspect it’s slightly different for each of us. When he does speak to you about another person, take a moment to work out what the Father wants you to do. There can be a number of responses:

  • does he want you to pray and bless that person in their situation today?
  • does he want you to check in with that person?
  • is there something he wants you to share with the person to support them or give them encouragement for something they’re facing that day?

Perhaps he wants you to get up and go and do something practical to help.

When you pray for someone regularly you may find you become spiritually sensitive to their needs. I’ve had the experience a few times where God has woken me in the night with the person’s face on my mind and a sense of urgency in my own spirit. I’ve then taken time to pray for them there and then, and either to send a phone message or to contact them the next day. This adds a deeper dimension to both your prayer life and to the spiritual relationships of those you were praying for. I find that the person is drawn closer to the Father. Just realizing that God knows about their situation and cares enough to respond through a friend at just the right time is enough to help them feel a sense of peace for the place they find themselves in. I know I have equally been on the receiving end of such encouragement and it always expands my awareness of the Father’s deep love for me.

I don’t know where you are in your journey of praying for others but, wherever you are, ask the Holy Spirit to show you the next step for you in this two-way relationship with him. As I sign off today the word that comes to my mind is ‘exciting’. May we feel a growing sense of excitement as we see God working out his purposes in the lives of those that we regularly bring before him.

[1] YouTube link: Sharing God’s Heart
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Bible quotations: Unless otherwise specified, quotations are taken from the resources of Bible Gateway or Bible Hub, in accordance with the licencing conditions outlined on our Site Policies page.

Bible dates: Where appropriate, the dates given for Biblical events are based on the Bible Timeline resource
and are subject to the constraints defined on the corresponding webpage.

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Contributor: Sandy Turner

A Way of Blessing

[Transcript of “A 5 minute cuppa” published by Horley Baptist Church on YouTube[1], April 2021]

Hi everyone, welcome to ‘a five minute cuppa’. This is the place that you can come any time of day, just for five minutes, to relax, put your feet up, have a cuppa and listen to a few words to help you grow in your relationship with God.

Last week we used the analogy of a banquet as opposed to a bowl of cornflakes to help us imagine the rich variety of ways that we can develop a shared prayer life with others. Today we are going to add to that banquet by talking about the concept of blessing as a way of bringing God’s goodness into the lives of people around us.

In church we often have a blessing said over us at the end of our time together as a way of helping us to recognize that God and everything that he is goes with us into the week ahead. One of the most used blessings is that spoken by Aaron to God’s people in the Old Testament: “May God bless you and keep you, may he shine His face upon you, be gracious to you and give you His peace”.

A version of these words were turned into a song and recorded by UK churches at the beginning of the pandemic. It was quickly shared and watched by millions of people who felt the importance and power of Godly words of blessing being spoken over them in a time of shared adversity. We don’t have to be in a church or going through a difficult time to use words to bless people – we can do it every day and incorporate it into our times of prayer and reflection.

So, how can we do it and what words can we use? Do we have to follow the words of blessing we see in the Bible or can we make up our own blessings? If you’re the kind of person that likes a bit of structure when you try something new you may want to use the acronym ‘B L E S S’ – bless – to help you. Think of a person you know where you would love to see God’s love and influence in their life.

Think B body: bless them that they will be physically strong and well with the energy to do the things that God has planned for them.
Think L labour: bless them in their daily role as a parent or in their work role that they will do well and be fruitful.
Think E emotions: bless them in their heart and minds that they will be open to dealing with their inner person.
Think S social: bless them in their relationships that they will have friendships that do them good,
Think S spiritual: bless them in their God relationship that they will have a deeper understanding of the person of Jesus and the things on his heart.

When I first started to bless people regularly I remember getting into a muddle with my words and kept swapping between speaking to Jesus about the person praying and speaking to the person in the name of Jesus blessing them. My top tip for this is to pray for the person first with an open heart to what is going on for them by the things you know or things that God reveals to you. Then bless the person by speaking out words as if you were speaking to them directly.

Practice regularly. I like to think about and bless people in my car journey on the way to work in the mornings. By doing this it has become more natural and I find it comes just as easy as praying. Why not bring a bit of variety to your prayer life and this week bless the person on your heart as well as praying for them. In a time when businesses and community facilities are reopening their doors again after lockdown why not bless these and the people that work in them as you use them.

As believers, we have been blessed physically and in our work and relationships. Let’s be proactive about passing this blessing on to those we see and meet every day. You may be surprised at the differences it will make.

[1] YouTube link: A Way of Blessing
Bible references: Numbers 6 v24-26

Bible quotations: Unless otherwise specified, quotations are taken from the resources of Bible Gateway or Bible Hub, in accordance with the licencing conditions outlined on our Site Policies page.

Bible dates: Where appropriate, the dates given for Biblical events are based on the Bible Timeline resource
and are subject to the constraints defined on the corresponding webpage.

HBC logo Horley Baptist Church online
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Have another cuppa

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Contributor: Sandy Turner