Category: ‘Yours on Sunday’

Far Better Things Ahead

[This reflection by Martin Shorey was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 26/Jan/2025]

“Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on … ”
Philippians 3 v13-14

Next Sunday marks a significant step for our church family as we move to two morning services, at 9:30 and 11:15. This shift is aimed at addressing our overcrowding and creating space for more people to hear about Jesus. While I’m excited about the potential of this change, I’ll admit I feel a measure of trepidation. The dynamics of our services will shift—they won’t have the same bustling atmosphere we’ve grown accustomed to. Additionally, we may see a temporary drop in attendance as people navigate this change and choose whether to commit to a specific time. (more…)

Contributor: Martin Shorey

Where Two Or Three Are Gathered

[This reflection by Michael Goble was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 19/Jan/2025]

For where two or three are gathered in my name [meeting together as my followers], I am there among them.
Matthew 18 v20 [AMP]

Over many years we have attended a number of different types of churches which have been so helpful in the different stages of our Christian journey. When we first became Christians the earliest churches we attended were quite small, and so the above words of Jesus about two or three of His followers gathering together were very relevant. In these churches we were able to meet in small groups to read God’s Word and to try to understand that God was there and what it was He wanted to teach us.

Contributor: Michael Goble

Knowing You, Jesus

[This reflection by David Makanjuola was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 12/Jan/2025]

During the sermon on Sunday, Martin talked about looking away from ourselves and the difficult situations we might find ourselves in, but to look up to God for His help and then to look around us and recognise the plight of others and seek to help them.

A similar comment about looking up to God is found in Psalm 121. Verses 1 and 2 state, “I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Contributor: David Makanjuola

Would you live your life differently?

[This reflection by Martin Shorey was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 05/Jan/2025]

Would you live your life differently if you knew what the future held? Would you take more risks? Act more boldly? Would your priorities shift? If I knew the outcome of my actions in advance, perhaps I’d be more willing to try new things, to step out of my comfort zone. I’d feel secure knowing that I wouldn’t fail – that the next step is the right one. And if it wasn’t, I could simply choose a different path. (more…)

Contributor: Martin Shorey

Let the Foolish Things of the World Confound the Wise

[This reflection by Chris Ginter was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 22/Dec/2024]

I often think I fit into that category!

When I was a child my mum would pray this prayer over me as I went to sleep at night:
Gentle Jesus meek and mild look upon this little child, pity my simplicity, suffer me to come to thee.

Contributor: Chris Ginter

Jesus – the Fulfilment of Prophecy

[This reflection by Helen Ruffhead was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 15/Dec/2024]

For some time now I have been working my way through the Bible and after wading through the history and poetry books I have finally reached what I see as the jewel in the Old Testament crown – the book of Isaiah. (more…)

Contributor: Helen Ruffhead