A Different Christmas

[This reflection was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 20/Dec/2020]

It will not have escaped your attention that Christmas is coming. Once again the calendar is pointing towards that special day that millions celebrate and few recognise. But this Christmas will be different.

It will not be the Christmas of Charles Dickens with its snowy scenes hiding the harsh realities of life in the workhouse; nor the Christmas of Arthur Conan Doyle with his super sleuth uncovering the mysteries of the missing geese; not even the Christmas of my childhood, with baked beans on toast served beside a tropical beach.

This Christmas will be different. The seasonal decorations are intended to raise public spirits but cannot disguise the absence of ringing tills in the High Street. Santa and his sleigh have to pull over as the home delivery vans come dashing through the snow – not that the snow presents a great challenge this year and, while we may well see squalls at Christmas, they are less likely to be triggered by family gatherings.

This Christmas will be unhappily different. Non-essential services have gone, along with the livelihoods of those who provided them. Carers have become masked crusaders, but fatigue is undermining their efforts to provide the services that we rely on. Peace on earth is no nearer.

This Christmas will be distressingly different. How many people spent last Christmas unaware that it was to be their last? Will there be an empty seat at your table this Christmas?
Remember these words of Jesus:

Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. [Matthew ch24 v40-41]

That might well be an accurate summary of what we are experiencing in a time of pandemic and uncertainty but Jesus was talking about the time of His return:

So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. [Matthew ch24 v44]

You may not be with your family and friends this Christmas but your Brother and Best Friend is waiting for an invitation. Make room for Him and this Christmas certainly will be different.

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Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys
Published, 13/Dec/2020: Page updated, 08/Dec/2024

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