[This is one in a series of devotional reflections prepared for Horley Baptist Church during December 2021]
Christmas trees, Christmas candles, Christmas presents, Christmas crackers, Christmas cake – what do they all have in common? Perhaps a more important question would be “What is missing from all of them?” For us, as followers of Jesus, the answer to that is ‘Christ’.
Of course, many people will argue that what we celebrate as Christmas is merely another example of Christians hijacking an existing celebration and trying to sanctify it. Why then is it called ‘Christmas’? Surely another name would be more appropriate. Indeed, there was recently an attempt by the European Commission to ban the term ‘Christmas’. That attempt was short-lived, this time.
Why is it that so many people are content to use Christ’s birth as an excuse for celebration but do not want to be bothered with the implications of his life and the achievement of his death? Maybe it is that, for most people, Christ is not really present at Christmas.
Where is he?
This is the question that the Wise Men asked when they arrived in Jerusalem. They had been faithfully following the star until they were in sight of what they thought would be the end of their quest to find the infant Jesus. Having jumped to a conclusion and abandoned their guide they found that they had got it wrong.
Where is he?
This is the question that Herod demanded of his advisors when the Wise Men came knocking. They, at least, knew the answer even if they dismissed the information as insignificant. No doubt Herod repeated the question when he realised that the Wise Men had ignored his instructions but by that time Jesus was in Egypt.
Where is he?
This is the question that Mary and Joseph asked of their friends and relatives when the twelve-year-old Jesus had stayed on in Jerusalem. Very few people are recognised as ‘great’ at the time of their birth; it is what they have achieved by the time of their death that defines greatness. Did Mary and Joseph assume that their miraculous baby had become just an ordinary adolescent after all?
Where is he?
This is the question that Mary Magdalene asked early one morning outside Christ’s empty tomb. She thought the man who appeared out of the mist was the gardener. As he spoke to her she realised that Jesus wasn’t dead and buried but that he was alive and alongside.
Where is he?
Surely this is the question that we too should be asking at Christmas time. Our four scenarios offer four answers:
- He’s not here
- He’s gone away
- He’s been forgotten
- He’s here with me
Where is he? What’s your answer?
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Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys