The Anointing at Bethany

These thoughts were part of a series of Easter reflections prepared for, and by, members of Horley Baptist Church during April 2020. This reflection is based on Mark 14 v3-9.

Jesus loved to party with His friends. When he was invited to Simon the leper’s house he accepted willingly – after all Simon was a Pharisee (a stickler for the law), all sorts of people would be there too, probably the upper crust of society.

They were all enjoying a good meal when in burst Mary, a woman of ill repute, not your typical church goer. She went right up to Jesus, smashed a very expensive jar of ointment and poured it over Jesus’s head.

She washed His feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. Some people that were there asked why this Jesus, a prophet, mixed with such a woman and what was she doing wasting this expensive oil, it could have been sold and the money used to help the poor.

This woman blessed Jesus where others had neglected Him. Simon had not greeted Jesus properly according to the local customs when He arrived, but this woman had lavished her love on Him. Jesus said her sins were forgiven because she loved much.

Our first ministry is not to the traditions and rules of men,but our allegiance is to Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Jesus is looking for a people who will totally follow Him, out of our commitment to Him comes total obedience. What Mary did was to prepare Jesus for His burial.

What is Jesus asking us to do for Him. You never know where He will lead us. Use us Lord for your glory in whatever way you choose, it may be the most unusual task.

Every blessing to you all this Easter time, not full of bunnies and chicks, but full of the new life that springs eternal through the Holy Spirit. Amen

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Contributed by Chris Ginter; © Chris Ginter
Published, 06/Apr/2020: Page updated, 16/May/2020

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