[This is one in a series of mid-week Reflections published by Horley Baptist Church during April 2021]
In our final reflection for 2020 we spoke of two characters – one fictional, one real – who were resurrected. The initial reports of their demise had been premature, but in due course they both died again.
My hero has been resurrected: A friend reported seeing him in a garden early one misty morning; they exchanged a few words and then he disappeared again. She claimed to have recognised his voice, but was she mistaken?
My hero has been resurrected: A couple of friends were making their way home from a visit to the big city when a stranger suddenly struck up a conversation with them. He seemed to know a lot about their nation’s history. They were so engrossed in his remarks that they invited him to join them for a meal. He accepted but then disappeared shortly afterwards.
My hero has been resurrected: A group of tired fishermen were slowly drifting home after a long night toiling with their nets but with nothing to show for it. Suddenly they caught the whiff of fresh fish cooking over a charcoal fire. A man standing beside the fire invited them to have breakfast.
My hero has been resurrected: A group of his best friends were meeting together, talking about him when suddenly he appeared amongst them. He had a bite to eat and then explained to them why he had gone and what he needed to do next.
My hero has been resurrected: There was a period of 40 days when more people reported seeing him. He talked with them and ate with them. The evidence that he was alive was irrefutable.
My hero has been resurrected: An aggressive representative of the religious leaders was travelling to a provincial city with a group of soldiers when he was stopped in his tracks. He spent the rest of his life talking about that encounter.
My hero has been resurrected: Someone who had been close to him in the early days wrote about an encounter with him many years later. He looked regal and spoke with authority, and even dictated some messages to be passed on.
My hero has been resurrected – is he your resurrected hero too?
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Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys