God Looks at the Heart

[This reflection was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 10/May/2020]

Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16 v 7

This Easter day just gone, I had a real desire to go to a sunrise service, to watch the sun come up and worship Jesus, so we set our alarm for 5.40, got dressed and set out to worship Jesus on Court Lodge field. My whole intention was to stand in the middle of the field and sing with all our hearts the old familiar Easter hymns I learnt as a child but all I could remember were the titles and not the actual words of each verse, added to which Dennis kept talking.

We walked along by the river which was litter free and the sound of the water babbling and the birds singing was beautiful. A mist was covering the whole field which almost seemed like God’s presence was covering the surrounding area. This was Court Lodge where we have prayer-walked and asked God to come in power.

We came back, drew faces on eggs, I used the wrong pen so when they came out of the pan after being boiled, the faces had disappeared. Judith said to me some years ago the verse over my head was, “ it takes the foolish things of the world to confound the wise” 1 Corinthians 1 v 27. That morning to some people may have seemed like the most foolish thing that anyone could ever do, a disaster, in fact.

It all was very simple, but Jesus met with us and believe it or not we’ll never forget the day we celebrated Easter in the middle of the Corona Virus 2020. It just proves that He is risen, He is risen indeed. Roll on Pentecost – looking forward to the fullness of His Holy Spirit and what Jesus will do then.
Every blessing
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Contributed by Chris Ginter; © Chris Ginter
Published, 10/May/2020: Page updated, 08/Dec/2024

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