Get Stuck In

[This is one in a series of mid-week Reflections prepared for Horley Baptist Church during January 2021]

In an album released in 1960 the British duo Flanders and Swann included a song extolling the virtues of an aqueous suspension of silt from the Shalimar river. Some of us may recall it in its original form whilst those of a younger generation may recognise it from the numerous cartoon interpretations for children. Here is the chorus:

Mud, mud, glorious mud,
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood.
So follow me, follow, down to the hollow
And there let us wallow in glorious mud .

Mud is not just a heatshield for hippos or a fascination for toddlers exploring a career in soil mechanics. During the Exodus, God used mud to hinder the Egyptian forces as they chased the Israelites. Later, the gospel-writer John recalls that Jesus used mud to heal a blind man.

Recently, I was reminded of an incident which occurred during one of the early visits to Romania. A group of about 20 or so of us had attended a church service and we were invited to the house of one of the church elders for lunch. As is the normal practice in rural areas we left our shoes outside the door – a disordered pile of muddy footwear. After lunch we came out to find the shoes all cleaned and placed neatly in pairs. It was a very humbling experience.

I related this story to a visitor on Christmas Eve and he said that it reminded him of how Jesus had washed the disciples’ feet. The account of that event can be found in John chapter 13. It concludes with the advice that Jesus gave to his disciples:

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” [John 13 v14-15 NIVUK]

In some churches there is a tradition of washing feet prior to the communion service. That may be too literal an interpretation for us but the same principle applies. Does our preoccupation with our own needs prevent us from tending to the needs of others? Conversely, does our pride prevent us from accepting help when it is offered?
There’s a blessing there – don’t miss it [v 17]

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Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys
Published, 31/Dec/2020: Page updated, 01/Jan/2021

5 Responses to 'Get Stuck In'

  1. Good Steve,

    Keep sending them. We all need a little encouragement and thought provoking texts to help us at this very difficult time.

  2. Hi Steve,
    Thanks for your reminder of Flanders and Swann famous song “Mud,mud, glorious mud”, that brings back memories!
    Your reflection is an excellent one, thank you.

  3. Thank you Steve
    What a good reminder to serve others. Thank you!

  4. Cheers Steve, thanks for all the thought and effort

  5. That is a nice story and it applies to all of us, whatever we do . Always we can be more helpful and more humble.

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