[This is one in a series of mid-week Reflections prepared for Horley Baptist Church during January 2021]
One of the (admittedly few) blessings of anti-COVID restrictions has been the growth in the online Christian presence. This allows us to explore a diversity of worship styles without being absent from our home fellowship. Whilst ‘doing church at a distance’ recently I revisited one of the churches where I had previously been a member. The preacher on that occasion quoted the following rhyme, as an aid to reading the Bible regularly:
At a chosen time each day,
Read your Bible, while you may,
Do not start until you pray
Ask “What does this passage say?”
Look for Him who is the way,
Find a lesson for today,
Pray once more, and go your way. [1]
Unfortunately I do not know the original source but let us have a closer look line by line.
At a chosen time each day – make it a regular habit, part of your daily routine so you feel that something is missing if you forget.
Read your Bible, while you may – there may be times when you cannot read your Bible due to external circumstances, ill health, etc. Value those times when you can.
Do not start until you pray – commit your time and your reading into God’s hands. Ask Him for a clear understanding.
Ask “What does this passage say?” – is it an historical account of God at work, does it have a present relevance or offer hope for the future?
Look for Him who is the way – Jesus described himself as the way, the truth and the life. How is this demonstrated in the passage?
Find a lesson for today – what can you learn that will be applicable to you in the circumstances that you will face today. God knows what the day hold will for you; these verses will help to prepare you.
Pray once more, and go your way – thank God for the opportunity to read His word and ask His blessing as you take the thoughts with you throughout the activities of the day.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. [Psalm 119 v105 NIVUK]
[1]: Quoted by Rev David Jones, Heath Evangelical Church, Cardiff, on 27/Dec/2020. Original source unknown.
Bible quotations: Unless otherwise specified, quotations are taken from the resources of Bible Gateway or Bible Hub, in accordance with the licencing conditions outlined on our Site Policies page.
Bible dates:
Where appropriate, the dates given for Biblical events are based on the Bible Timeline resource
and are subject to the constraints defined on the corresponding webpage.

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Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys
Thanks Steve,
This is an excellent rhyme to learn! I will at least remember the gist of it.
Agreed, Clive.
Unfortunately I was unable to determine the original author but credited it as shown. If more info turns up then I will amend the credit accordingly.
Yes thank you very much Steve. really good to keep in touch this way.