[This is one in a series of devotional reflections prepared for Horley Baptist Church during January 2022]
Do our friendships and alliances help or hinder our relationship with God?
The Old Testament books of Kings and Chronicles relate the story of Jehoshaphat, who reigned as the king of the nation of Judah during the period 870-849BC. According to the record, he was one of the ‘good’ kings, so much so that God used his example as a yard-stick when assessing some of his successors.
Jehoshaphat was raised by God-fearing parents; those of us who have received a similar blessing should be thankful. Jehoshaphat’s loyalty to ‘the God of his fathers’ did not shield him from the threat of war and disaster but he knew who to turn to when he had to face them.
Here are three ‘postcards’ from places in Jehoshaphat’s story:
Ramoth Gilead was one of the cities of refuge established in Israel but it was occupied by Aram. Ahab, the king of Israel, invited Jehoshaphat to join him in a campaign to recover the city. Jehoshaphat was wary and requested that they seek God’s guidance but Ahab consulted only those prophets who gave him the answers he wanted. Nevertheless, Jehoshaphat went along with the plan and barely escaped with his life.
Are you feeling under pressure to conform to family or business expectations, but you are uncomfortable about them? Maybe you see an opportunity to bring some salt and light into a situation but there is also the danger that your salt will be trodden underfoot.
En-gedi was an oasis on the shores of the Dead Sea. David had hidden in the caves of that region and successfully evaded the army of Saul that was seeking him. Jehoshaphat faced an invading force there. He was wary of his own army’s ability to repel the invasion so he declared a national period of prayer, calling on help from God. The outcome was that the various factions of the invading force turned on themselves and it was left for Jehoshaphat’s army to glean the loot.
Why is it that very few modern leaders are willing to call their nation to prayer? To what extent can our prayers mitigate this shortcoming?
Ezion-Geber was a port at the northern end of the Gulf of Aqabar; it had a history of ship-building. Solomon’s fleet of trading ships had brought the nation great wealth but when Jehoshaphat tried to emulate his predecessor his ships were wrecked there. Jehoshaphat had been wary about the venture and refused to allow his own sailors to man the ships.
The Biblical record tells us that the vessels were wrecked because Jehoshaphat had chosen a godless business partner. The outcome of Jehoshaphat’s venture also demonstrates that God’s plan for someone else may not be God’s plan for you.
So, to return to our question: Do our friendships and alliances help or hinder our relationship with God?
Do they bring us the peril of Ramoth Gilead, the victory of En-gedi or the disappointment of Ezion-Geber? Are you wary about the effects that your alliances can have on your relationship with God? Jehoshaphat sought guidance from God (even if he did not always accept the answer); you can seek guidance from God too.
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. [James 1 v5 NIVUK]
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Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys