[This is one in a series of devotional reflections prepared for Horley Baptist Church during May 2022]
Lord, a new day has begun.
Whatever it was that brought us to consciousness this morning – the singing of the birds or the cacophony of an alarm – we thank you for bringing us safely through the night. The new day offers opportunities to walk and talk with you, and we know that you will provide all that we need.
We thank you for the blessings of the night. It may have been a time of quiet rest or an opportunity to recollect our thoughts. It may have included nightmares that we want to forget or dreams that ended too soon, but we know that you are with us, relieving our fears and refreshing our souls.
We thank you for those who have been preparing for a new day, ensuring that our needs will be met. We recognise that they are channels whereby our lives overflow with blessings and that we enjoy that abundance even in the midst of what can be a hostile world.
We commit into your hands our ambitions and expectations for the day, recognising that our plans are not necessarily your plans. Our path today may be in green pastures or through the darkest valley and we ask you to help us to accept that you know best.
Lord, perhaps today will be The day – Your day, the day that you spoke of so long ago. Help us to remain mindful of your promise to return, and help us to be ready.
Lord, it is eventide.
Some of us have had the pleasure of watching the sun set, the golden orb sinking below the western horizon, slowly painting the evening sky with all the colours of the spectrum. For others the sun disappeared more abruptly, hidden behind clouds, mountains or structures.
We pray for those who did not see the sun today, perhaps hiding in basements or lying in hospitals, or perhaps they do not have the gift of sight. They are none the less precious to you, and we ask your blessing upon them too in whatever their circumstances; be their support and comfort.
The sun has done its day’s work for us; there are others who are waiting for the light, warmth and energy that the sun will bring. We pray for them too, that those who work in your name will be strengthened and refreshed, and that many others will come to recognise that you can be their shepherd too.
During the dark hours there can be evil afoot and so we thank you for those who work through the night, guarding our security. We need fear no evil for all things are in your hands and under your control.
So, as our day draws to a close, we thank you for your goodness and mercy during this day. You have promised that we will dwell with you for ever and it is with confidence that we commit ourselves into your hands for this night.
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Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys
Thank you for these prayers, Steve,.