[This reflection was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 24/April/2022]
At the end of my last article, I promised to update readers on my experiment.
The experiment essentially was this: how would God respond if – instead of speculating on things like the situation in Ukraine – I chose to leave concerns in His hands?
Well, almost immediately, I found myself much less obsessed with TV news! Although I still checked it at least once a day, I could easily turn it off (not something I’ve ever been able to do – just ask Chris!). Instead, I was now more concerned about the PEOPLE than the POLITICS.
I realised that I had been taking pride in posing as an expert on subjects I knew very little about. My ramblings were not only uninformed, they were also sinful! Sinful in that I was not focusing on what the Holy Spirit wanted me to focus on!
If Martin was right that recognising where we’ve been wrong is the first step towards personal transformation, then something was certainly going on inside me. I like the way Isaiah 2:11 reads in The Message:
People with a big head are headed for a fall, pretentious egos brought down a peg.
I don’t suppose folk will suddenly see me as a remarkably humble man! But I do know that my experiment was a success. God is willing and able to direct my every thought. Figuring out how He does that is ‘too lofty’ for me
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