[This is one in a series of devotional reflections prepared for Horley Baptist Church during August 2022]
Give ear to my words, O Lord, Consider my meditation.
Give heed to the voice of my cry, My King and my God,
For to You I will pray. Psalm 5 v1-2 [NKJV]
This Psalm can be seen as having five distinct sections, each focusing on different aspects of God’s relationship with the various people that the writer saw around him. His words are equally valid for us.
In the first three verses we start by asking God to help as we pray to him. How easy for it is for our minds to wander, for our thoughts to turn to other things. These things may be honourable enough in their own right but if they distract us from our relationship with God then this is not the time for them.
Lord, we want to start each day with our focus on you.
The Psalm continues with the first of two sections describing those who displease God. Those who are arrogant, blood-thirsty or deceitful will incur God’s abhorrence and eventual destruction.
Lord, keep us from sinning against you.
Between the two sets of verses describing the environment of evil that surrounds us we find a further declaration of worship on the part of the writer, together with a plea for guidance in potentially difficult circumstances.
Lord, lead us in the paths of righteousness.
As this transitions into the fourth section we find that those who rebel against God have become our enemies too. Once again we are warned about the traps that they may lay for us.
Lord, help us to avoid being lured by temptation.
Finally we see that God offers protection to those who are willing to seek refuge in him. Those who put their trust in him will be able to rejoice, knowing that God will bless them. The psalm concludes with a declaration of reassurance.
For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favour You will surround him as with a shield.
Ibid v12
As with the rest of the word of God as presented to us in the Bible, this psalm is a collection of gems, each with its diverse facets and applications. In this Psalm we see, as it were, a setting with five gems: three bright facets reflecting the confidence of the morning star, the glory of the sun at midday and calm of the evening star, interspersed with dark stones which offer a contrast and a reminder that evil persists and there is still a battle to be won.
Many jewels are enhanced by their settings and by the light in which we view them. In terms of reading the Bible, commentaries and expositions can help us to see the passage in its context and enhance our understanding of it. Some of these are like the gold or silver settings for a precious jewel, others are of a lesser value. Nevertheless, if the setting obscures the jewel then, no matter what the value of the setting itself, it has failed in its primary purpose.
Lord, help us to appreciate the value of your word.
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Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys
Thank you once again for your insight into Psalm 5, Steve.
Thank you Clive. This was inspired by a musical meditation written by Phil Lehenbauer and played by Rien Schalkwijk.
Have a listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fe-90Zqx30