[This reflection was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 28/Aug/2022]
A scripture passage struck me this morning:
In John 8:36 Jesus promises ‘If the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free‘. Free FROM what? Reading the whole chapter, it’s clear that Jesus is talking about freedom from SIN. And in Galatians 5:1 Paul talks about being free from JEWISH LAWS AND CEREMONIES.
Now we may ask, ‘How is that relevant to me? I’ve never been concerned about those old things!‘ I think the rest of that chapter shows me that relying on my own efforts to improve the way I live in order to earn the Father’s acceptance is futile and sinful. All it does it put me back in chains!
But haven’t we heard all that thousands of times? What are you getting at, Dennis? What I’m saying is that, in my personal experience, I’ve still to really grasp all that. I live under a persistent, vague sense of failure – of not being good enough.
I wish I could report, give testimony to, a recent revelation – a breakthrough! But I can’t. All I can say is that I’m convinced that what Jesus promises is available. And that bringing my condition before Him and being open with my closest friends is the only way I can see of finding the kind of freedom He has purchased for me.
Feel free to share your experience with me whenever you think it might be helpful.
Dennis Ginter
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