[This is one in a series of devotional reflections prepared for Horley Baptist Church during May 2023]
When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them. Luke 4 v40 [NKJV]
One evening recently I was in our local clinic (it has a 24-7 service) when two urgent cases arrived. One was a baby of a few weeks old with severe ear-ache. The other, a lady of more mature years with an acute abdominal pain. Neither was turned away because it was late. In a faint parallel to the verse above, our doctor was able to address both cases, giving immediate relief and, if not an actual cure, a recommendation for treatment that would resolve the problems in due course.
These two cases are typical of the type of sickness that would have been presented to Jesus each evening. No doubt, each person would feel that their own suffering would seem to be the most intense and, indeed there would have been some life-changing cures during those evening ‘surgeries’, but everyone came away healed.
What do we think of as the gift of healing in the 21st century? Do we still think of some self-styled celebrity purporting to perform miracles in front of an effusive audience, claiming to be able to cure all ills, for a suitable reward? If this is a realistic perception then why do so many faith-healers still wear glasses? Can they not heal themselves?
Alternatively, we can think of the gift of healing as God inspiring the development of the medical sciences, adding to the collective professional knowledge and raising up talented people to act on his behalf. This does not preclude God from intervening in miraculous ways but in many cases the miracle is in the timing as much as any other aspect. Does this increased scientific understanding mean that we think that we can do without God? On the contrary, it enhances the marvel of our creation and the miracle of our day-to-day living.
In the parable of the talents[1] those who made use of what that had been given were praised, even though the use of the talents involved some risk, whilst the man who did not attempt to use his talents was heavily criticised for his failure. The range of talents that God can give his people is diverse[2] but our combination is unique to us as individuals. How are we using the talents that God has given us? Will we be rewarded for having been faithful custodians or will we be rebuked for our timidity?
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1 v7 [NIVUK]
[1] Matthew 25 v14-30
[2] 1 Corinthians 12 v8-11
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Last week’s reflection: What Have You Done?
Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys
Steve. There’s a work for Jesus ready at your hand. ‘Tis a task the Master just for you has planned, seek to do His bidding. Yield Him service true.There’s a work for Jesus none but you can do. etc.,etc.
I do not know much about people who claim to be faith healers but I believe that God uses people to pray for the sick and sometimes people are miraculously healed, sometimes from diseases that are considered incurable. Sometimes we are led to pray for the sick and as you have said the timing of events leading to this clearly shows God’s hand in the matter. I think back to my late mother who was seriously ill with a heart valve infection. The doctors could not work out what was wrong. However as a result of a clerical error she was put on a ward where a doctor who was a specialist diagnosed it correctly. As for glasses. Most people do not ask for healing because they do not see it as an illness.