[This is one in a series of devotional reflections prepared for Horley Baptist Church during September 2023]
Last week’s commemoration of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York in 2001 reminded me that, very occasionally, there are some momentous events that stick in our minds, to the point that we can recall exactly the time and place where we were when we first heard about them. In the case of “9/11” I had just ridden down Whitehall in a new electric car, but I have told that story before.[1]
Most of us can recall a few events that have had such an impact on us that we can recall the circumstances in which we first heard about them. They may or may not have been events of national or international significance but the way that we heard the news sticks in our minds.
I can recall where I was when I heard that Ian Smith, the leader of the government in Southern Rhodesia, had made a unilateral declaration of independence from Britain. Similarly, I was personally affected when the Arab-Israeli war of 1968 broke out – the plane I was in was diverted to Tehran; I heard the news announcement about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, just two hours before I was due to lead a prayer meeting at HBC.
Historians endeavour to record and analyse such moments, preserving them in the collective conscience, but it is the personal accounts of those who were there that give the events drama and colour. In the 1970s, the popular Welsh comedian Max Boyce used the catch-phrase “I was there” to lend some credibility to his somewhat exaggerated accounts of famous Welsh sports events.
The Bible too is full of historical reports but it also contains may personal accounts from those who were there, witnessing events at close quarters as they unfolded. The first three gospels were largely compiled from third-party accounts but the gospel of John was written from his own recollections from his time with Jesus. This does not undermine the authenticity of those three gospels but John’s first-hand experiences add a personal dimension.
Later, in the book of Acts we find Luke writing from his personal experiences of travelling with the apostle Paul. His detailed description of the shipwreck in Acts 27 shows that he too was there.
An old spiritual song which probably predates the American civil war poses a series of questions:
‘Were you there when they crucified my Lord?‘
A criminal suffering the same fate was; he said “… this man has done nothing wrong”.
‘Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?‘
A hardened Roman centurion was; he exclaimed, “Surely this man was the son of God”.
‘Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?‘
Joseph of Aramathea was; he asked for the body of Jesus and arranged for him to have an honourable burial.
‘Were you there when God raised him from the tomb?‘
Mary Magdalene was, she went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!”[2]
John also wrote about an event that is yet to come:
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. Revelation 20 v12 [NIVUK]
When that roll is called up yonder I’ll be there – will you?
[1] An Event to Remember, September 2021
[2] Luke 23 v41, Mark 15 v39, Matthew 27 v58, John 20 v18
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Last week’s reflection: Where, or What?
Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys
Thank you Steve for your memories about important dates that stand out in our lives. I certainly recall where and when I first heard about a number of these events. Thank you for the Bible reports and accounts from the New Testament, especially the challenge from
Revelation 20 v 12.