Advent or Advert?

[This is one in a series of devotional reflections prepared for Horley Baptist Church during December 2023]

In the more-established western denominations of the Church the period of approximately four weeks prior to Christmas is called ‘Advent’. Essentially, Advent means ‘coming’ and it is a time during which the Church’s adherents are encouraged to think about the coming of Jesus into the world. Many Churches organise special events, such as carol services, during this season.

The advertising industry was not slow to recognise the potential of the season – even at the first Christmas there were public announcements and expensive gifts. Today the emphasis is on a short-term indulgence in retail therapy rather than any recognition of the long-term impact of that first Christmas.

Do you have an Advent calendar, the type that has little windows intended to be open at a rate of one a day until Christmas? As each window is opened it reveals some aspect of the season or maybe a piece of chocolate. However, if the calendar stops at Christmas Eve, then it is telling only half the story.

An often overlooked aspect of Advent is that it is not only about Christmas. Jesus said that he is coming again:

Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds. Revelation 22 v12 [NLT]

But when? He has been gone for almost 2,000 years; isn’t that promise getting a bit stale? According to God’s calendar[1] it has only been two days but nevertheless the time is drawing nearer. Jesus gave his disciples some advice that is particularly relevant at this time of year:

Watch yourselves! Do not let yourselves be loaded down with too much eating and strong drink. Do not be troubled with the cares of this life. If you do, that day will come on you without you knowing it. Luke 21 v34 [NLV]

The period before Christmas is a busy time; we become preoccupied which all the things that we think we need to do. Even as Christians we are liable to lose our focus on the double significance of Advent. Despite that, this season gives us an opportunity to share our beliefs at a time when they may be more relevant to the activities around us.

So be alert [give strict attention, be cautious and active in faith], for you do not know which day [whether near or far] your Lord is coming. Matthew 24 v42 [AMP]

We may look forward to a rest after Christmas but can we really relax with the job only half-done?

[1] 2 Peter 3 v8

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Last week’s reflection: So Far, So Good

Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys
Published, 10/Dec/2023: Page updated, 08/Dec/2024

One Response to 'Advent or Advert?'

  1. Thanks to Bernard for suggesting the title of today’s reflection.

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