[This is one in a series of devotional reflections prepared for Horley Baptist Church during March 2024]
On a recent visit to a grocery shop I saw a dog lying adjacent to the doorway. He was not aggressive and was no doubt tired after spending the night conversing with his neighbours. As each person entered the shop he raised his head and opened his eyes with an expression that seemed to say “Please, let a lying dog sleep”.
There may well have been people were deterred from entering the shop because the dog was there. They did not know his character but they had heard that some dogs are far from welcoming. There may well be people who are wary of coming to church because they are unsure of the welcome that they might receive.
Last week, in Birmingham, the Kennel Club held its annual dog show with some 18,000 canine competitors. The dogs were judged by a number of criteria including appearance, ability and achievement. The Bible does not have much to say about dogs and much of what it does say is not complimentary. However, if your community of faith were to be compared with one of those classes of dog, how would it compare?
Guard dogs are large and impressive, their primary purpose is to protect those who have been accepted as insiders and keep outsiders at bay. They may have a savage appearance and a loud bark but once you have gained their acceptance they can be loyal. Does you welcome people or do they feel safer at a distance.
Dogs surround me, a pack of villains encircles me; Psalm 22 v16 [NIVUK]
Hunting dogs range from those used for running down foxes and hares to those used for searching for truffles in French forests. They are always looking for something to their advantage and are liable to cause collateral damage whilst pursuing their target. How do you treat those who get in the way of your objectives?
My enemies would hound me all day, for there are many who fight against me, O Most High. Psalm 56 v2 [NKJV]
Lap-dogs spend their time in idle comfort. They are jealous of their privileged status and do not take kindly to anyone attempting to disturb them. One of the churches in Revelation was rebuked for having the characteristics of a lap-dog. Are you sitting comfortably?
You say, “I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.” Revelation 3 v17a [NIVUK]
Working dogs are prepared to use their skills to help others. Their deportment and training mean that they can be relied upon in times of trouble. Gideon used a comparison with dogs when selecting his soldiers to rout the army of Midian.[1] Job spoke about his sheep dogs, considering them to be more worthy of respect than some of the people around him.[2] Jesus described how even dogs can share the blessings intended for others.[3] Do you have a reputation for being helpful and sharing?
At the end of the show the judges’ verdicts were announced and the rewards distributed. As with dogs, some churches can become good companions for life; others can surely only be loved by their devotees. What would be your Judge’s verdict?
[1] Judges 7 v6 [NIVUK]
[2] Job 30 v1 [NIVUK]
[3] Mark 7 v27-28 [NIVUK]
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Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys