[A devotional reflection originally prepared for the congregation of Horley Baptist Church during May 2024]
On several occasions I considered writing about procrastination but I never got around to it; there always seemed to be something more important or more interesting to write about first. My old headmaster was fond of quoting an old proverb “Procrastination is the thief of time”[1] but is procrastination as bad as he suggested? After all, there are benefits in taking time to think things through before we act, and there is always the chance that a change in circumstances will render our course of action unnecessary.
The Psalmist recommended taking time for contemplation:
Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46 v10 [ESVUK]
Precious as that may be, it is not enough. As a young boy Samuel undertook many administrative tasks in the temple of God. He knew all about God but he did not know him personally. One night he started hearing voices so he sought the help of a more experienced man.
so Eli told Samuel, “Go lie down, and then if he calls you, answer, ‘Speak, Lord, because your servant is listening.’”
1 Samuel 3 v9 [ISV]
Is God trying to say something to you? Are you ready to listen?
Speak, Thy servant heareth, be not silent, Lord;
Waits my soul upon Thee for the quickening word.
Emily May Crawford (1920)
Whilst there may be some valid reasons for a delay there is a danger that procrastination could become habitual, an excuse for idleness. At what point does procrastination turn into indolence? Solomon had something to say about that:
Lazy hands make for poverty but diligent hands bring wealth.
Proverbs 10 v4 [NIVUK]
Not even Adam, in the perfection of Eden, was allowed to indulge in idleness. We are told that he was put in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.[2] How much more so we who sojourn in this ‘vale of tears’ should expect that God has something for us to do.
There’s a work for Jesus, ready at your hand,
’Tis a task the Master just for you has planned.
Haste to do His bidding, yield Him service true;
There’s a work for Jesus none but you can do.
Elsie Duncan Yale (1912)
Are you ready? Readiness implies being prepared but it also implies being willing. God will take care of the preparation but we must provide the consent.
[1] Attrib. Edward Young (1683–1765).
[2] Genesis 2 v15
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