Sermon Souvenirs

Sunday, 19th January 2025
Series: Was That It? When expectations and reality don’t match
Title: #3 When Help Doesn’t Come
Preacher: David Makanjuola
Text: The raising of Lazarus, John 11:1-44
Link: Watch this sermon on YouTube


  • Can we find purpose in situations that feel hopeless?
  • Can you let go of how you feel the situation should turn out and allow yourself to trust God to do his sovereign will?
  • Can you accept that, with God, delays are not necessarily denials?


Sunday, 12th January 2025
Series: Was That It? When expectations and reality don’t match
Title: #2 The Highs Aren’t High Enough
Preacher: Dazz Jones
Text: Elijah in the desert, 1 Kings 19:1-18
Link: Watch this sermon on YouTube


  • What do you have that might be considered a ‘meagre offering’ but might in fact be a sign of God’s faithfulness to you?
  • What would it look like for you to take some time out and reflect on ‘why you do what you do’?
  • What is the first thing that you need to do to help make that happen?


Sunday, 5th January 2025
Series: Was That It? When expectations and reality don’t match
Title: #1 Forgotten and Overlooked
Preacher: Martin Shorey
Text: Joseph in prison, Genesis 40:1-23
Link: Watch this sermon on YouTube


  • Have you experienced rejection in life? How has it affected your outlook on life?
  • How can you maintain a positive attitude despite your situation?
  • Where do you find your sense of identity and purpose?


Sunday, 22nd December 2024
Series: Down To Earth A Christmas Devotional Journey
Title: #4 The Unchanging Christmas
Preacher: Martin Shorey
Text: The Shepherds’ Response, Luke 2:15-21
Link: Watch this sermon


  • Are you investigating Christmas and Jesus this year? What conclusions have you come to?
  • Do your festive celebrations point you to Jesus, or is he a bit lost in the busyness of it all?
  • How do the unchanging truths of Christmas permeate into your life?



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and are subject to the constraints defined on the corresponding webpage.

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Published, 21/Jan/2025: Page updated, 23/Feb/2025

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