Fashion Model? – Dream-on!

[This is one in a series of mid-week Reflections published by Horley Baptist Church during April 2021]

For many people, the mention of Joseph conjures up a picture of a precocious teenager strutting around, showing off the latest fashion and expecting everyone to admire him. In a car park full of Beetles he’d be the one with the Porsche.

I have recently read a new commentary on the life of Joseph[1]. The author notes the various periods between the ‘highlights’ in Joseph’s life and uses them as an illustration of how the thread of God’s timing can be traced throughout His plan of redemption. It is an interesting lead to follow so let us explore it for ourselves.

What was Joseph doing in those teenage years before his brothers finally got fed up with his impressions of a peacock? Did he learn to cook like his father had done? Might he have been honing domestic skills that would one day be valued by a future employer?

What where his thoughts during that trek from Dotham to the Egyptian capital? Three hundred miles behind a camel, watching where he put his feet, he no doubt reflected upon how his circumstances had changed. Did he learn humility? Did he turn to the God of his father, grandfather and great-grandfather?

Amidst the dust and despondency of the slave market, what was it that drew Potiphar’s attention to Joseph? We are not told how long Joseph worked for Potiphar but we do know the impact he had there.

From the time he (Potiphar) put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph. [Genesis 39 v 5 NIVUK]

No doubt, in his time as a member of Potiphar’s household he learnt how Egyptian society functioned, another experience that will prove useful in his later life. But then, another reversal of fortune: a false accusation lands him in prison. We do not know how long he spent in prison but once again he made his talents were noticed:

The warder paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did. [Genesis 39 v 23 NIVUK]

Was Joseph just marking time in prison whilst God was occupied elsewhere? There was a vision of hope when the baker and cup-bearer dropped in for a sleep-over but the normal prison routine soon returned. What did Joseph learn during that time? Maybe his experiences with Egypt’s underworld were helpful when his brothers showed up.

Then Pharaoh had a severe case of insomnia. The future of the nation was at risk and Pharaoh’s advisors could not explain how to tackle the threat. Eventually Joseph was consulted and, as most of us know, he came up with an idea that Pharaoh liked.

So Pharaoh said to Joseph, ‘I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.’ [Genesis 41 v41 NIVUK]

Potiphar, prison, Pharaoh – all prospered because of Joseph’s trust in God.

What have you learnt during those years that your biographer would skip over? Does your faith make a difference to those around you? Who else benefits from your trust in God?

[1] ‘Joseph: God Meant It for Good’, Robert Norman (ISBN 978 1 64999 358 8)


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Contributed by Steve Humphreys; © Steve Humphreys
Published, 11/Apr/2021: Page updated, 11/Apr/2021

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