[This reflection by Dennis Ginter was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 05/Mar/2023]
God is a God of surprises! Although He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, what He does is often unpredictable. Over and over again in the scriptures we see people EXPERIENCING something which takes them a while TO UNDERSTAND! Just consider the virgin birth, the resurrection, the happenings on Pentecost – in every case, God did the unexpected.
Many of us have been praying for a long time for ‘another Pentecost’ – but I think we’ve been guilty of expecting the Holy Spirit to do things on our terms. I know I have!
Last Sunday was one of those ‘what was that?!‘ mornings. The worship, Dazz’s teaching – the whole atmosphere seemed full of Jesus’s presence. At least that’s what some of us felt. Martin’s invitation at the end for the ‘prayer team’ to come to the front to minister to anyone who wanted it was unexpected, but not entirely. We’ve been waiting to do that for quite a while.
If I seem to be making too much of a what to you seemed puzzling and a bit disruptive, please ask the Holy Spirit to show you what was really going on. Years ago in the Vineyard movement we sang ‘There Must be More than This‘. There will be MUCH more. Jesus is bringing fresh life to His church worldwide, and we will EXPERIENCE it here – but perhaps not quite the way we’ve been expecting it!
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Last week’s reflection: He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands by Chris Ginter
Contributed by Dennis Ginter; © Dennis Ginter