[This reflection by Chris Ginter was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 03/Sep/2023]
Recently I have been reading about revivals on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland, from 1949 to 1952. I’m intrigued as to how it started and the outcome of the same as it progressed. It seems to me that so many of the moves of God were birthed in prayer, combined with a desire from men and women to see God move in power in their community.
People in Lewis at the time could see how their society was degenerating into loutish behaviour combined with drunkenness and disregard for the things of God. As people in the community and local churches prayed, folk were reporting how God touched the hearts of many people, some were repenting as they experienced the presence of Holy Spirit in their lives and it showed in their changed behaviour and the new radiance on their faces.
Our Father God wants to create a people who desire the presence of Jesus leading to a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
So how does that affect us here and now? Could we ask Jesus to come in power in the hearts of our family, friends and neighbours? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they reported, I feel a lightness in my spirit, my burdens are lifted and I can see a way out of this heaviness I’ve been feeling for ages.
Let’s keep praying for Jesus to move in power. He’s done it many times before in Scotland, Wales, America – what about Horley, what about you and me?
I’m going for it, are you???
Every blessing
Chris Ginter
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Contributed by Chris Ginter; © Chris Ginter