[This reflection by Dennis Ginter was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 17/Dec/2023]
We are celebrating the birth of Emmanuel, God WITH us.
And that is wonderful! But there’s so much more: The gospels, especially John’s, tell us that the reason Jesus came was so that He – God – could now live IN us! He is standing at the door of each of our lives and knocking. (Matthew 7:7)
Over the past few weeks I’ve been trying to grasp the implications of God living in me by his Holy Spirit. The one who knew me before I was even conceived, the one who has seen everything I’ve ever done or thought, the one who sees everything that has ever happened to me – is waiting to come INTO me so that I can have ‘abundant’ life! He wants to live his life in and through me. And all I need to do is open the door?!
The title at the top is from Colossians 1:27. When we remember that this ‘hope’ is not a fond wish, but something promised and guaranteed, it may dawn on us that we are indeed children of God – and that He, now IN us, will perfect that which He has birthed! (Philippians 1:6)
What could be more reassuring than that?
Happy Christmas…
P.S. You might want to watch and listen to: THE GOD WHO SEES, by Nicole Mullen.
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Last week’s reflection: New Beginnings by Chris Ginter
Contributed by Dennis Ginter; © Dennis Ginter