[This reflection by Chris Ginter was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 23/Jun/2024]
Do you ever remember going to a favourite place when you were a child and when you had left there you couldn’t wait to go back again? I used to love going to my granny and grandad’s house in Cheshire. The thing about it was that you were always accepted, you could do just what you wanted. You were always loved, you could sing, talk as much as you liked you were always hugged and you could eat as much as you wanted.
It was like that verse in Psalm 133:
How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in harmony.
To me it’s just like that when I’ve walked into Horley Baptist Church recently, I love that feeling of being totally accepted as part of the family. Just being where the love is.
People must have felt like that when they were around Jesus, I guess that’s why the children climbed on to His lap. Mind you, you couldn’t do that now without a DBS check!
There’s a beautiful song I used to sing years ago:-
Where there is love the mountains melt away,
Where there is love the night will turn to day,
Where there is love there will always be a way,
Cos Jesus is where there is love.
For a long time I felt that church was to do with doctrine, theology and how many meetings you went to in one week. Now I realise it is all to do with making relationships, coming alongside other people and praying and loving others in need.
God says “I will build my church”. When I’ve come into Horley Baptist recently, the thing I’ve felt more than anything else is love. Love will help us build the Church Jesus wants.
Help me Lord to be a love giver but also to be a receiver of love, it’s a two way thing. Jesus wants to heal the broken hearted, set the captives free, bring new life where there is desperation. I’ve been pretty desperate myself recently, but Jesus, through His Spirit and His people has put new hope inside of me.
Thank you for making me feel accepted just like you do with many others.
Please keep up the good work, love you guys, thank you so much,
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Last week’s reflection: Filling The Void by Helen Ruffhead
Contributed by Chris Ginter; © Chris Ginter