[This reflection by Martin Shorey was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 14/Jul/2024]
This August I will have been at Horley for 7 years! How that time has flown, marked by how tall my son is getting (who was only a bump when we first moved). It will also be 13 years for me as a Baptist minister. I love my job, with it’s ups and downs, and joys and frustrations. I was unsure at first whether this was what God as calling me to, but I can look back and see how God has guided and blessed me since I made that step 16 years ago to pack my bags and head to Bible College.
Since that time, my passion for, and love of the church hasn’t diminished, although I may not be quite as naive and energetic as I once was. I still want to see the church (in particular HBC) grow and prosper, and its amazing to see what God is doing within our community. I’m excited for the next 7 years! However, I recognise, that in my excitement for the church, I can lose sight of who the church belongs to – Jesus. I guess we all can be guilty of creating church around our likes and preferences, and what we deem to be important at the time.
This is why is was so good to attend The Gathering last month. For those of you who don’t know, this is a Christian Men’s festival, run by CVM (Christian Vision for Men), where 1600 men gather to have fun, sings worship songs in a tent, and hear testimonies. The event unashamedly puts Christ and His cross at the centre. This isn’t about buildings or services or strategies for growth; its purpose is to present Jesus, and the difference He makes to our lives, and give men an opportunity to respond. It is deeply moving to see men boldly, yet humbly come to the front of the stage, and kneel before the cross, submitting themselves to their Captain, Jesus. One such guy was in our group. This is what he said…
‘I’d always assumed you had to have it all sorted out when it came to faith but to see so many people in the same place as me was very comforting. I feel very much at peace and finally am ready to embrace having Jesus in my life.’
The reason we exist as a church, the reason I give my time and energy to leading HBC is to introduce people to Jesus. Yes there is plenty of other things to take up our time, but as long as we put Jesus at the forefront of all we do, as long as Jesus is at the centre, running through us like words in a stick of rock, then we can’t go far wrong. The same applies to my life and yours. Are you putting Jesus at the centre of your life? Have you given Him the driving seat, or passed Him the remote control? Embrace having Jesus in your life, by moving Him from the margins, or a box in the corner, into front and centre.
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Last week’s reflection: Leave Your Burdens at the Foot of the Cross by David Makanjuola
Contributed by Martin Shorey; © Martin Shorey