Stop and Check

[This reflection by David Makanjuola was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 01/Dec/2024]

I was at work one Sunday morning a few weeks ago. I had this heavy feeling in my heart. I just felt weighed down. I realised that it was to do with what I’d heard on the news that morning. The conflict in the Middle East grabbed the headlines. It was depressing news. The other news stories weren’t that uplifting either. The rhetoric and conduct of those involved the US Presidential campaigns, stories closer to home, of people dying while crossing the channel …, the situation felt hopeless, and I felt helpless.

As I approached the ward, my focus shifted to the people I was going to see, and I heard that voice that I have come to recognise as the ‘still small voice’, say “you look after these people, leave the rest of the world to me”. Immediately, my sagging shoulders lifted, and I remembered that He does have the whole world in His hands. He wants me to be faithful where I am. He will take care of everything else. The heavy feeling lifted, and as I said “Good morning” to the people I met, it was with a smile. It was great to see them smile back.

Last week’s article in ‘Yours’ had much the same message. It finished with the words – The world may feel wobbly, but God’s got a firm grip.

This Sunday, as the wind was blowing a gale outside, Ian Gray was talking to us about Gideon, and he reminded us that the things that make us stray away from God often start off very small and are not easily noticed. With Gideon, it was people just giving an earring as a token of thanks to him for leading them to victory against the Midianites. The thanks should have been to God. Gideon was merely the channel, the instrument through which God’s blessings had come. Soon earrings were fashioned into an ephod, a symbol which they then worshipped, instead of God.

Ian’s words hit home to me. I thought about times in my life where people have been grateful to me for things I have done, and how easy it was to think that I deserved their thanks, how easy to forget that I was just the channel, not the source, and how important it is to direct people to the source, to God. He alone deserves the praise. I am listening as I write this to a song by Evie Tornquist, the title of which is ‘All the glory must be to the Lord’. Very wise words.

As you go into the week ahead, remember that God has a firm grip on things. Give Him thanks and praise for this, and when people want to give you earrings to say thanks to you, stop and check with God to see if that’s alright with Him.


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Contributed by David Makanjuola; © David Makanjuola
Published, 29/Nov/2024: Page updated, 29/Nov/2024

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