Where Two Or Three Are Gathered

[This reflection by Michael Goble was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 19/Jan/2025]

For where two or three are gathered in my name [meeting together as my followers], I am there among them.
Matthew 18 v20 [AMP]

Over many years we have attended a number of different types of churches which have been so helpful in the different stages of our Christian journey. When we first became Christians the earliest churches we attended were quite small, and so the above words of Jesus about two or three of His followers gathering together were very relevant. In these churches we were able to meet in small groups to read God’s Word and to try to understand that God was there and what it was He wanted to teach us.

As time went on, we moved home and belonged to a larger church. There the minister invited us to start a group in our home. Again we had the opportunity to meet as a smaller number of believers but part of a bigger church, which continued for over 40 years in Edenbridge even though we had become members of the church here in Horley. We continued to experience the presence of God and we grew as followers of Jesus. This continued until today when we are happy to belong to a thriving church in Horley, even though we don’t live here. But we are still members of Thursday Morning group like others who go to small home groups in our church. These small groups have been such a blessing to many of us in our church.

It is good that we can also regularly meet together as a large church on a Sunday to hear what God is saying to us in our Christian lives. Last Sunday I was moved by the words, prayers and songs of Martin and Dazz in the series “Was That It?” and thinking about Elijah’s depression and his need of God’s strengthening. During the past months, I have become increasingly depressed about what is happening in the world and in our country. But at the same time I have come to understand even more that God is in control and that He will not allow anything caused by us and the whole world population to stop His will happening as promised in His word, the Bible.

In our church this means that we have to believe that God is with us and will continue to be among us so that His will is done. If as yet you do not belong to one of our home groups then now is the opportunity to join with one so that like us you will receive all the blessings that God has planned for you. Speak to Martin or other church leaders if you would like further information about a group that is right for you to meet together with in God’s name. Or perhaps, as we did, to start a new group with those you are close to in the church.


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Last Sunday’s reflection: Knowing You, Jesus by David Makanjuola

Contributed by Michael Goble; © Michael Goble
Published, 17/Jan/2025: Page updated, 17/Jan/2025

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