[This reflection by Dennis Ginter was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 16/Feb/2025]
Martin’s teaching last Sunday was very challenging! Especially his closing remark that what the Father wants of us is to “follow Jesus”.
In our home group on Monday we explored that together. I drew our attention to 1 John 4 v7-8. The phrase that puzzled me was in verse 7: ‘… everyone who loves is born of God and knows God‘. Everyone? That brought us to Martin’s question about me being In or Out of God’s Kingdom.
I asked our group whether they thought there was a difference between ‘Christian’ love and other love. We shared examples from our own life experiences of experiencing real love. I talked about a single mum we know who is an example of someone who has had a very tough life, but whose every thought seems to be a concern for anyone but herself! And she does not call herself a follower of Jesus.
Contrast her behaviour with people we know (ourselves included!) who called themselves Christians but are usually much more focussed on their own comfort or convenience than they are with the needs of others!
I really wanted to stay up on Sunday night to watch the Superbowl game from before midnight until 4 a.m., regardless of my wife’s need for a good night’s sleep or my own mood the following morning. Uncharacteristically, I decided that catching up on the score when I woke up was what I should do! That’s just a small example of how hard I often find it to ‘follow Jesus ‘ rather than my own desires.
I need to be very careful not to judge anyone! My own behaviour should occupy my attention! There really is only one kind of love – and the Holy Spirit is capable of teaching us how to live it!
Sorry – that was a bit long-winded!
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Last Sunday’s reflection: Let the River Flow by Chris Ginter
Contributed by Dennis Ginter; © Dennis Ginter