Posts Tagged: ‘Jeremiah’

Thy Will Be Done

[A ‘Tuesday Challenge‘ originally prepared for the congregation of Horley Baptist Church during February 2025]

Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.
Luke 11 v2 [NKJV]

This extract from the template prayer that Jesus taught his disciples is ingrained in the minds of many people, not just in what we might call Christendom but also in its Jewish and Islamic equivalents. The prayer itself is often recited verbatim in the churches of many denominations but in essence it is an example of how our prayers should be constructed.

Contributor: Steve Humphreys

A Puzzler?

[This reflection by Dennis Ginter was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 17/Nov/2024]

heron on roof
Last Wednesday at 10:30 a.m., as we left the church building, this large bird was sitting on the roof of the house directly opposite the front door of the church. On Saturday, Martin photographed it at exactly the same spot. At first I thought it was a stork, but in Martin’s photo it’s facing front, and we decided it was more likely a rather bedraggled-looking heron with its long neck drawn in! (more…)

Contributor: Dennis Ginter

Filling The Void

[This reflection by Helen Ruffhead was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 16/Jun/2024]

When I started my journey to adoption, over 30 years ago, the magazine for prospective adopters was full of profiles of children needing new homes. Since most adopters want babies or very young children, most of the children still waiting for homes were older, or had disabilities. I particularly remember the description of one 12-year-old girl, who it said: “wore her carers out with continual demands for new possessions.” It also said: “X has been described as having a huge hole inside her which she desperately tries to fill, but nothing satisfies.” Clearly this girl was crying out for the love which she had never experienced, but was trying to fill the void with possessions. (more…)

Contributor: Helen Ruffhead

You’ve Got Mail

[This is one in a series of devotional reflections prepared for Horley Baptist Church during April 2024]

Have you ever received a message that you did not want to hear? Perhaps you had a summons to a meeting that you wanted to avoid or maybe you were instructed to do something that you did not want to do. (more…)

Contributor: Steve Humphreys

It’s a Nightmare

[This is one in a series of devotional reflections prepared for Horley Baptist Church during February 2024]

Can you recall the feeling of relief that comes when you realise that the horrific events that you have just witnessed were only a nightmare? Perhaps ‘only’ is not an appropriate word to describe the impact of what you have experienced; those moments just before we wake up can be very distressing. (more…)

Contributor: Steve Humphreys