[This reflection was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 14/Mar/2021]
God has made everything beautiful in its time, He has put eternity in our hearts.
(Ecclesiastes. Chapter 3 v.11)
My ‘Health Span’ article that comes with the seasonal magazine starts like this “as spring approaches and everything starts to grow, hatch or flower we can emerge from hibernation”. Many folk are feeling like that, looking forward to socialising again, free from government constraints caused by Covid 19.
This is a day of new beginnings.
Genesis 8.v22 says: “As long as the earth remains, springtime and harvest, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease”.
Romans 8 v28 says: “All things work together for good to those who love the Lord”.
Many people are feeling a bit down right now but by the power of the Holy Spirit we abound in hope
We all have circumstances that have caused us to lose heart a bit recently,
but God is faithful and He is able to do far more than we hope or expect by His power that is at work within us. (Romans 15 v.13)
Hebrews 10 says: “let’s encourage each other to love and do good works”.
Very soon we will emerge into a new season, full of Easter joy, celebrating our new life in Jesus, looking forward to summer and brighter days ahead. May the days ahead be a new time of blessing for you.
Stay strong, keep smiling, every blessing,
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Contributed by Chris Ginter; © Chris Ginter