[This reflection was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 16/January/2022]
‘We Don’t Talk About Money, Politics … Or Religion’
That was years ago. Now we seem to talk about little else! And the “…” especially. Those of us who grew up in the 50’s can remember that ‘sex’ was either a subject of smutty jokes or religious restrictions. Today, if the media are anything to go by, we seem to be ‘liberated’ from any shame at all concerning sex. But are we really enjoying the freedom Jesus wants us to have?
Now we’ve recently learned that sex and sexuality will be the teaching topic for the month of February. It’s about time! We don’t know which aspects of the subject will be dealt with, but the possibility that our shame-based silence on such matters will disappear is very hopeful!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Holy Spirit were to so transform our minds and hearts that we’d find ourselves ‘dropping our stones’ of judgment of others (listen to Neil’s talk, 09.01.22), and find true freedom personally from all sorts of addictive behaviour having to do with sex?
Let’s pray and trust that those February teachings will have more power than we’ve ever thought possible. We can become bright lights in the permissive but confused culture in which we live!
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Contributed by Dennis Ginter; © Dennis Ginter