[This reflection by Chris Ginter was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 09/Oct/2022]
On Sunday 25th September my daughter Diane was leading the Harvest Festival Service at Horley Methodist Church. We sang that glorious harvest hymn, ‘Come Ye Thankful People Come’.
After singing this song for more than 70 years, I suddenly realised that it has more than a harvest meaning. God has a wonderful plan to bring the world into salvation by Jesus dying on the cross for us. The harvest of souls is God’s ultimate plan to bring people home into His Heavenly Kingdom.
At this time in history we need to come into a place of safety, into the arms of Jesus. Many storms are threatening our security and way of life but God our maker will provide for our wants to be supplied if we give our lives to Him. I love that verse in John 4 v 35: ‘The fields are ready for harvest‘.
‘Lord of Harvest grant that we, wholesome grain and pure may be’
So we look for the 2nd coming of Jesus to bring in the final harvest. There we can be with Jesus, free from sorrow, free from sin. There for ever purified in His garner (store house) to abide. Come, with all Thine angels come, raise the glorious Harvest Home.
Amen Lord – come quickly.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen
Revelation 22 v 20 and 21.
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Contributed by Chris Ginter; © Chris Ginter