[This reflection by Chris Ginter was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 16/Jul/2023]
For some strange reason people keep sending me WhatsApp messages delivered by various famous people about various end time doctrines and theories. They all suggest what we should be doing and believing. I have come to the conclusion that in spite of it all being very interesting and challenging, I prefer to spend my life loving the unlovely.
Even the loveliest of folk around me need reassurance and understanding, prayer and comfort. Not that I have it altogether but Jesus can do far more than we ask or expect if only we would ask Him and listen to the answers.
Just a comment to a stranger about the weather or asking them how they are today, can open an opportunity to pray for them or meet their deepest need,
While we were on holiday in Yorkshire recently we were sitting on a station bench next to two young people who were arguing the toss about something or other. They weren’t shouting but were clearly distressed, trying to sort their love life out. It seemed to me they were getting no where fast so I interrupted and asked them if they knew Jesus. The conversation took an interesting turn of events and the young people especially the young man said he was really interested so we prayed together.
Who knows what the outcome was but Jesus knows, we just did our bit.
Around about our church is a whole community of precious beautiful people who need God’s love – what a challenge.
Are we willing to put our lives on the line for Him. Why not, give it a go…..
Every blessing, Chris.
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Last week’s reflection: The Next Generation by Martin Shorey
Contributed by Chris Ginter; © Chris Ginter