[This reflection by Martin Shorey was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 15/Oct/2023]
As I reflect on the escalating violence in the Middle East, I am struck by the complexity of the situation. Both sides have a long history of violence and intimidation, and it seems as though there is little chance of de-escalation or reconciliation. It can be easy to take sides and simplify the situation down to sound bites or twisted interpretations of religious texts, an urge we must resist.
Instead, let us turn to the simple yet challenging command of Jesus to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. While this may seem almost impossible in the midst of such pain and suffering, we who watch this tragedy unfold from a distance are perhaps better placed to pray for those whose lives are being affected by such brutality. We can pray that the violence will cease, that justice will be done, and that peace will be restored.
Let us also remember the Jesus followers who are living and ministering in the midst of the hate and violence. They are living examples of love and peace in a region that is engulfed in hostility. We stand in solidarity with them and pray for their continued safety and success in spreading God’s love and peace.
Psalm 122:
6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
May they be secure who love you!
7 Peace be within your walls
and security within your towers!
8 For my brothers and companions’ sake
I will say, “Peace be within you!”
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Contributed by Martin Shorey; © Martin Shorey