[This reflection by Dennis Ginter was published in the weekly news bulletin of Horley Baptist Church, 29/Sep/2024]
Two weeks ago, Helen explained how the words we speak flow from our ‘hearts’. I’d like us to consider that a little more deeply.
In his ‘Renovation of the Heart’, Dallas Willard uses the words heart, spirit, soul, and subconscious interchangeably. The point he’s making is that in each of us there is a hidden, inner life which is fully accessible only to our Creator. It is out of that Dennis that my words and actions really come.
My inner ‘driving force’ has been shaped by my inherited nature and my lifelong nurture – everything and everyone that has made me what I am. Willard also says, “What is within is astonishingly complex and subtle – even devious”. (Desperately wicked?)
When we say to ourselves “Where did THAT come from?” or “That was completely out of character!” we’ve just demonstrated our inability to manage our heart. ‘Sin management’ is impossible! If I truly want to become more Christlike I must ask God – over and over again – to renew my deepest self. Only then will my words and actions begin to to resemble Jesus. AND I CAN’T DO IT WITHOUT HIM!
Blessings, Dennis Ginter
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Contributed by Dennis Ginter; © Dennis Ginter