Posts Tagged: ‘Genesis’

Snakes and Ladders

[A ‘Tuesday Challenge‘ originally prepared for the congregation of Horley Baptist Church during February 2025]

Last week saw the start of the lunar new year, an event commonly known as the Chinese New Year. According to the Chinese calendar, the New Year is triggered by the closest new moon to the beginning of Spring. This year the corresponding date on the Gregorian calendar is 29th January; the next New Year will be 17th February 2026.

Contributor: Steve Humphreys

Where do I Begin?

[A ‘Tuesday Challenge’ originally prepared for the congregation of Horley Baptist Church during October 2024]

As often happens when preparing these reflections, it starts with a question: “Where do I begin …” Fortunately, the actress Julie Andrews is able to offer some advice:

Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start [1]

For us as Christians (and for everybody else but few admit it) that takes us to the earliest verses of the Bible. (more…)

Contributor: Steve Humphreys

It’s All Greek To Me

[A devotional reflection originally prepared for the congregation of Horley Baptist Church during August 2024]

With so many of our consumer products originating in the Far East we are becoming increasingly familiar with ‘Chinglish’, that sometimes-amusing form of English intended to provide instructions for the use of the product. The information may or may not be useful but at least we know how to read it, even if the message isn’t always clear. (more…)

Contributor: Steve Humphreys

A Tale of Two Cities

[A devotional reflection originally prepared for the congregation of Horley Baptist Church during August 2024]

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity

Our opening quotation comes from the first lines of ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ published by Charles Dickens in 1859. The story is set during the French Revolution (1789-1799); the two cities in the novel are London and Paris, both cities were rife with moral corruption and anarchy. (more…)

Contributor: Steve Humphreys

Digression or Distraction?

[A devotional reflection originally prepared for the congregation of Horley Baptist Church during June 2024]

During the research for last week’s reflection a question arose about the timescales defined (or rather, not defined) in the early chapters of Genesis. That question – how long were Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before they sinned? – led to another: When did Satan fall from heaven? (more…)

Contributor: Steve Humphreys

Leaving an Impression

[A devotional reflection originally prepared for the congregation of Horley Baptist Church during May 2024]

Our imaginations and the thought processes that follow are influenced by a wide range of stimuli, some benign, some not so. What we see or hear, even what we feel or smell, contributes to the impressions that we form and our subsequent response. This week’s reflection was inspired by two radically different videos that I saw during last week. (more…)

Contributor: Steve Humphreys